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Blogs Introduction

Hi readers, welcome to my blogs.

These are a series of inspirational writings which I have been receiving for many years and which have taken on a more public instructional slant since my introduction to Divine Will in 2014.

Many of them are based on my own life and on the usual day to day events which may be common to us all, helping to reveal the motivations and excuses we may make to protect our ego so as to do our own will instead of Divine Will.


I invite you to prayerfully place yourself in the various scenes throughout the blogs and may you allow the Holy Spirit access to your minds and hearts and so lead you deeper in your own personal journey into Divine Will.    

Most of them are Divine Will related and a few are pre-Divine Will with some insights received from the Lord from some years ago.

I thank Frances Hogan for kindly providing a foreword, and Lloyd Bracken for his words of encouragement in this work.


All the writings on this website are my personal responsibility and I strive to ensure that what I publish is consistent with the teaching of the Church. I welcome any and all feedback which helps me see that any conclusion I have reached may not be compatible with Church teaching.

I ask you not to share the blogs but instead refer any interested person to this website through which they can access them for themselves.

If you would like clarification on any of them or spot any mistake, please email me through the "Contact Me" option.


See some sample blogs here.

There are quite a few areas of our lives covered in these writings and how one may approach them from a Divine Will perspective. Issues like; inner healing, trust, addictions, depression, pride, fusing, forgiveness..... 

If you wish to find a particular blog, just click on the heading in the Table of Contents and it will bring you directly to the blog and vice versa at the end.

Future writings are password protected and you will need to sign up here to access them.


God bless in Divine Will


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